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"Marwa Madi"
Perceived Preparedness of Dental Academic Institutions to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Survey (2021-02)
N. Ammar, N. Aly, M. Foláyan, Y. Khader, S. Mohebbi, S. Attia, H. Howaldt, S. Boettger, J. Virtanen, M. Madi, D. Maharani, A. Rahardjo, I. Khan, O. Al-Batayneh, M. Rashwan, V. Pavlić, S. Cicmil, K. Noritake, G. Galluccio, A. Polimeni, A. Shamala, A. Arheiam, D. Mancino, P. Phantumvanit, J. Kim, Y. Choi, M. Dama, M. Abdelsalam, J. Castillo, M. Nyan, I. Hussein, E. Joury, A. Vukovic, A. Iandolo, A. Kemoli, M. El Tantawi, Perceived Preparedness of Dental Academic Institutions to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Feb, 2021 -
Association between Periodontal Disease and Comorbidities in Saudi's Eastern Province (2021-04)
M. Madi, H. Abouhashish, D. Attia, N. AlQahtani, N. Alrayes, V. Pavlic, S. Bhat, Association between Periodontal Disease and Comorbidities in Saudi's Eastern Province, BioMed Research International, Apr, 2021 -
Prevalence of bone loss in mandibular future abutment teeth among diabetic and non-diabetic patients: a retrospective case-control study (2022-10)
M. Madi, E. Bakhujri, A. Alghwainem, A. Alamer, S. Alarfaj, S. AlRatroot, V. Pavlić, Prevalence of bone loss in mandibular future abutment teeth among diabetic and non-diabetic patients: a retrospective case-control study, The Open Dentistry journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, Oct, 2022 -
Behavior change due to COVID-19 among dental academics-The theory of planned behavior: Stresses, worries, training, and pandemic severity (2020-09)
N. Ammar, N. Aly, M. Foláyan, Y. Khader, J. Virtanen, O. Al-Batayneh, S. Mohebbi, S. Attia, H. Howaldt, S. Boettger, D. Maharani, A. Rahardjo, I. Khan, M. Madi, M. Rashwan, V. Pavlić, S. Cicmil, Y. Choi, E. Joury, J. Castillo, K. Noritake, A. Shamala, G. Galluccio, A. Polimeni, P. Phantumvanit, D. Mancino, J. Kim, M. Abdelsalam, A. Arheiam, M. Dama, M. Nyan, I. Hussein, M. Alkeshan, A. Vukovic, A. Iandolo, A. Kemoli, M. El Tantawi, Behavior change due to COVID-19 among dental academics-The theory of planned behavior: Stresses, worries, training, and pandemic severity, PLOS ONE, Vol. 15, No. 9, Sep, 2020 -
Knowledge of dental academics about the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-country online survey (2020-11)
N. Ammar, N. Aly, M. Foláyan, S. Mohebbi, S. Attia, H. Howaldt, S. Boettger, Y. Khader, D. Maharani, A. Rahardjo, I. Khan, M. Madi, A. Shamala, O. Al-Batayneh, M. Rashwan, V. Pavlić, S. Cicmil, G. Galluccio, A. Polimeni, D. Mancino, A. Arheiam, M. Dama, M. Nyan, P. Phantumvanit, J. Kim, Y. Choi, J. Castillo, E. Joury, M. Abdelsalam, M. Alkeshan, I. Hussein, A. Vukovic, A. Iandolo, A. Kemoli, M. El Tantawi, Knowledge of dental academics about the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-country online survey, BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, Vol. 20, No. 1, Nov, 2020 -
Identification of Periopathogens in Atheromatous Plaques Obtained from Carotid and Coronary Arteries (2021-06)
V. Pavlić, D. Peric, I. Stosovic Kalezic, M. Madi, S. Bhat, Z. Brkic, D. Staletovic, Identification of Periopathogens in Atheromatous Plaques Obtained from Carotid and Coronary Arteries, BioMed Research International, Jun, 2021 -
The association between vitamin D level and periodontal disease in Saudi population, a preliminary study (2021-11)
M. Madi, V. Pavlic, S. Alammar, L. Alsulaimi, R. Alotaibi, G. AlOtaibi, O. Zakaria, The association between vitamin D level and periodontal disease in Saudi population, a preliminary study, Saudi Dent J., Nov, 2021 -
The anti-inflammatory effect of locally delivered nano-doxycycline gel in therapy of chronic periodontitis (2018-01)
M. Madi, V. Pavlić, W. Samy, A. Alagl, The anti-inflammatory effect of locally delivered nano-doxycycline gel in therapy of chronic periodontitis, ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 71 - 76, Jan, 2018